Welcome to Abbott & Kindermann’s 2017 Third Quarter Environmental update. This update discusses selected litigation, regulations / administrative guidance and pending legislation, on both the federal and state levels, in the following general areas of environmental law: (A) Water Rights and Supply, (B) Water Quality, (C) Wetlands, (D) Air Quality and Climate Change, (E) Endangered
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Abbott & Kindermann’s Annual Land Use, Real Estate, and Environmental Law Update
Reserve your seat for one of three seminars taking place in 2011.
In January and February 2011 Abbott & Kindermann, LLP will present its annual complimentary educational program for clients and colleagues interested in current land use, environmental, and real estate issues affecting commercial and residential development, real estate acquisition, easements, leasing and property acquisition, and mining.
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Save the Date!
Abbott & Kindermann’s Annual Land Use, Real Estate, and Environmental Law Update
Reserve your seat for one of three seminars taking place in 2011.
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Commercial Logging on Forest Lands Upheld by Ninth Circuit
In League of Wilderness Defenders-Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project v. Allen, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals focused on two well-known principles of environmental review: 1) cumulative impacts may be evaluated using an aggregate effects approach; and 2) an agency is only required to adequately acknowledge and respond to comments raised by opposing parties, including opposing expert analysis.
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Grazing Cattle and the BLM’s Violation of NEPA and ESA
By Emilio Camacho and Cori Badgley
The Ninth Circuit concludes that major agencies violate NEPA and ESA when they fail to consider and adequately respond to relevant expert analysis.
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