By William W. Abbott
The White House puts punitive zoning regulations under the magnifying glass.
In his latest Saturday morning tweet, POTUS signaled that his love affair with local government was over. “Local government is worst enemy to making America great again. So sad. #Ihatezoning” it read. The White House released the follow-up statement. “The President is responding to news stories that local zoning regulations are impeding economic growth by imposing needless regulations. The President is working on an executive order which would cut off federal funding to cities and counties which implement restrictive zoning. The White House and Justice Department will assemble a team to closely review local zoning regulations. This is another example of overregulation standing in the way of economic progress and the President intends upon exercising every legal authority available to him to shake things up as he promised the voters when he ran for president.”
At the White House press briefing later that morning, a reporter pointed out that the only news story in the last six months involving local zoning and economic growth was a page 7 story in the National Inquirer. Sean Spicer testily responded “Look blockhead. We don’t make the news. We only respond to what you clowns write. What a pathetic life you all have spending all of your waking hours dreaming up ways to criticize the President. #gogetarealjob #gocrymeariver. Next?” Mr. Spicer went on to point out that the President had spent a lifetime battling with local governments and was an expert in the field, a first for any US President.
William W. Abbott is a shareholder at Abbott & Kindermann, Inc. For questions relating to this article or any other California land use, real estate, environmental and/or planning issues contact Abbott & Kindermann, Inc. at (916) 456-9595.
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