[For Immediate Release] Abbott & Kindermann announced today that noted television commentator Jon Stewart is joining Abbott & Kindermann’s blog team as a guest editor. “We are very pleased to have Mr. Stewart bring his writing talents to our blog. Mr. Stewart has graciously agreed to undertake an advisory role to our publication. As our long time readers will acknowledge, Bill Abbott’s humor tends to be so nuanced; that only a handful of readers really understand his jokes. Mr. Stewart is universally recognized as a skilled humorist. With Mr. Stewart’s help, we think we will reach a much broader audience, and our blogs will be immediately distinguishable from those of our peers” said partner Diane Kindermann. “I would like to add that Mr. Stewart has long sought to master the subtleties of the Latin phrases that judges and attorneys like to use, so professionally it is a win-win for Mr. Stewart and our firm.” Mr. Stewart volunteered, “While this is a pretty small assignment in the world of comedy, I am looking forward to mastering judicial humor. No one else has.” Mr. Abbott is away at a joke writing camp and is unavailable for comment.