By Cori Badgley
The Attorney General’s Office declared in a press release on June 24, 2009 that it intervened in a suit against the City of Pleasanton to remove the City’s “draconian and illegal” housing cap. The housing cap, which was instituted in 1996 through Measure GG, limits housing to 29,000 units throughout the City. The City can only accommodate another 2,000 units, if the housing cap remains in place. According to the Attorney General, the job growth over the past 10 years has nearly doubled from 31,683 to more than 58,000, while the available housing has only increased by 7,000 units. The draft General Plan Update predicts the creation of 45,000 more jobs over the next 15 years. In addition to not meeting the City’s fair share regional housing needs, the Attorney General asserts that the housing cap will lead to increased traffic congestion, urban sprawl, greenhouse gas emissions and an increased dependence on foreign oil. As the case progresses, Abbott & Kindermann, LLP will provide further updates.
Cori M. Badgley is an associate at Abbott & Kindermann, LLP. For questions relating to this article or any other California land use, real estate, environmental and/or planning issues contact Abbott & Kindermann, LLP at (916) 456-9595.
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