Since 1970, the City of San Diego (the “City”) has gradually converted its overhead, wooden-pole utility systems to an underground system. Due to funding constraints, the City adopted a Utilities Undergrounding Program Master Plan (“Master Plan”) (2017) to manage selection and prioritization of underground projects. The portions of the City with overhead utility lines were
Mariah Ponce
CEQA Document Filing Fee Increase For 2022
By Mariah Ponce on
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (“CDFW”) announced its annual filing fee increase for all California Environmental Quality Act environmental documents. The filing fees will be effective starting January 1, 2022. For additional information see CEQA Environmental Document Filing Fees ( The 2022 CEQA filing fees are listed below:
CEQA Document | Fees Effective |
California Court Clarifies the Five-Acre Project Site Requirement Under CEQA’s Infill Development Projects Categorical Exemption (Section 15332)
By William W. Abbott & Mariah Ponce on
In Protect Tustin Ranch v. City of Tustin (2021) 70 Cal.App.5th 951, Costco Wholesale Corporation (“Costco”) applied to the City of Tustin (the “City”) for a conditional use permit and design review approval to build a new 32-pump gas station project next to an existing Costco warehouse. The project site was located within an existing…